Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) is a medical and surgical specialty that deals with conditions of the ear, nose, sinuses, throat, neck, and face, as well as functions such as hearing, voice, breathing, smell, taste, and balance.

ENT specialists diagnose and treat a wide range of disorders, offering medical or surgical solutions tailored to each patient, whether child or adult. They also provide regular follow-up care and preventive advice to maintain ENT health.

When to consult an ENT specialist?

  • Malformations

  • Recurrent infections and/or inflammations (otitis, sinusitis)

  • Dizziness

  • Hearing loss or deafness

  • Tumours or cancers in the ENT region

  • Voice disorders

  • Sleep apnoea and snoring

  • Thyroid problems

  • Need for cervico-facial surgery

  • Tonsil and adenoid surgeries

Course of the visit

INFORMATION GATHERING: The ENT specialist begins by asking personal questions to understand the nature of the symptoms, their location, frequency, and possible causes, as well as the patient’s personal and family medical history. It is important to bring any recent prescriptions and test results.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: The specialist conducts a thorough examination of the affected organs (throat, mouth, nose, ears) using specialised medical instruments.

ADDITIONAL TESTS (if necessary): The ENT specialist may request further tests, such as an X-ray.

DIAGNOSIS AND SOLUTION: After establishing a diagnosis, the specialist proposes a suitable treatment plan, which may include medication, fibroscopy or endoscopy, rehabilitation, hearing aids or implants, or surgical intervention.

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