EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is a comprehensive method that uses tapping on different acupuncture points connected to meridians. These stimuli release stress, blockages, anxiety, and post-traumatic shocks that disrupt the body’s energy, resulting in uncomfortable physical sensations. EFT restores the disturbed energy flow, leading to increased serenity.

EMDR, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, is recommended by the World Health Organization for treating post-traumatic disorders. This therapeutic tool replicates spontaneous eye movements that occur during sleep, with a rapid left-to-right scanning. Its aim is to “recodify” or “reprocess” the emotion, shifting it into a positive or neutral category.

Both therapies are effective for adults, adolescents, and children.

When to consult an EMDR therapist?

Course of the session

INSPECTION: The therapist has a long discussion with the patient in order to discover the reason for the consultation, the bio-psycho-social context, the personal, medical, and family history, and the life habits in order to search for the cause of the symptoms.

PRACTICE: If the therapist considers that EMDR is the preferred method, he will ask the patient to follow his finger with his eyes in a rapid right-left movement for about ten seconds. EMDR is repeated several times during the session, and the patient’s feelings about the trauma diminish.

If EFT is more appropriate, the therapist will ask the patient to tap lightly at the end of certain meridians. This will restore the flow of energy, release blockages and reduce negative thoughts.

FOLLOW-UP SESSIONS: These can be more or less numerous depending on the tenacity of the resistance. The therapist will be able to estimate the number of sessions at the first meeting with the patient.

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photo pendant une séance d'EMDR

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