The different methods of birth control

Plaquettes de pillule et préservatifs

Julia has to change her birth control method. The method she’s been using for many years no longer works for her. She doesn’t know what to do, because she’s heard good and bad things about all methods of contraception. But there are as many undesirable effects as there are women, so if her friend can’t tolerate a contraceptive method, Julie can tolerate it and vice versa.

Hello, I’m Dr Joy.

Today we’re going to talk about the different methods of birth control, how to use them, their side effects, and the importance of medical supervision.

Lets go !

Contraceptive methods

Birth control is an essential aspect of women’s and couples’ reproductive health. It allows them to plan the number and timing of their pregnancies, giving them control over their family life.

  1. Hormonal contraceptives :
    Oestroprogestins, such as the contraceptive pill, the vaginal ring and the contraceptive patch, and isolated progestins, such as the continuous pill, the contraceptive injection and the contraceptive implant, contain synthetic hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle and prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation or acting on cervical mucus and the endometrium. They are extremely effective when taken correctly but require regular use.
  2. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) : IUDs are T-shaped devices inserted into the uterus. They can be hormonal (they release local hormones) or non-hormonal (made of copper). IUDs offer long-term protection against pregnancy and are not very uncomfortable once inserted, although they can be uncomfortable to insert.
  3. Barrier methods : Barrier methods include male and female condoms, spermicides, and the diaphragm. These methods prevent sperm from reaching the egg by creating a physical barrier. Condoms are the only effective means of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). That’s why it’s advisable to get tested when you change partners before you stop using them.
  4. Natural methods : Natural methods of contraception, such as the calendar method, the basal body temperature method and the cervical mucus method, are based on observing the menstrual cycle to identify fertile and infertile periods.


Table comparing contraception methods and their effects

Birth control and medical monitoring

Regular medical examinations are essential to ensure that contraception is effective and safe. Allows :

  • Monitor side effects and adjust the method if necessary
  • Discuss contraceptive options as life changes
  • Check the effectiveness of the chosen method

As you may have realised, choosing a birth control method is a very personal matter and depends on various factors (lifestyle, side effects, general health). You need to choose your method carefully and adapt it to your needs. Once you’ve found a contraceptive method that suits your needs, it’s advisable to keep an eye out for side effects and continue using it for as long as it suits you.

Finally, if it is necessary to change contraceptive methods, it is essential to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method, test them according to the instructions for use and consult your obstetrician to ensure comfortable, safe and effective contraception.

See you soon,

Dr Joy



This information is not a substitute for medical advice.

You must seek the advice of your doctor or another qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health condition.

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